leading edge spar as per Makelan plans

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leading edge spar as per Makelan plans

Post by stearmoth »

Hi Hatzers,

We have been approached by a Classic builder about manufacturing 5 foot long (for easy shipping, spliced to glue together) machined leading edge pieces. We don't have any more on stock, but would do a new production if there is considerable interest, as we still have the special made tools on hand. Please let us know if you are interested and what kind of wood is desired. We used Obechi, which worked very well.

By the way, everthing is coverd and UV-protected (Poly Spray) except the fuselage, which we are covering right now. Hope to have the ship ready next Spring!

All best wishes for 2013 and a Merry Christmas from

Hans & Sam, H.C.#78 Switzerland