Purchased a project

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Re: Purchased a project

by PoconoJohn » Mon Sep 23, 2013 11:12 am

Welcome! You can probably find someone at the local EAA Chapter to look at the welds. Maybe rent a scope to run inside to see how it looks.

Re: Purchased a project

by dougm » Sat Sep 21, 2013 7:59 am

Welcome aboard! Good to see another project being picked up and worked on.

Purchased a project

by Jetsareforkids » Fri Sep 20, 2013 9:58 pm

I recently purchased a CB-1 project, #471 started by Ron Smith in 1990. It was listed on Ebay last year and I almost bought it, but I decided to pass. It turned up again on Barnstormers last month and it had moved from Sacremento, California, to Texas, 2 miles from my house! This time I couldn't say no. The project consists of a fuselage and tail on it's gear, a mostly completed center section, ribs, compression tubes, and all the metal fittings for the wing. The spars are cut, but not drilled, and all the rest of the wood looks like it is there. My plan is to make it as much into a Classic as I can, and I have a set of Classic plans coming later this week.

I have been flying for 20+ years and building model airplanes for many years, though this will be my first homebuilt. I'm looking forward to building the Hatz with my three kids, though I have a feeling that my daughter in kindergarten might be in college when this thing is finished.

I was curious if anyone out there knows anything about the history of this project. The welding seems to be fine, but some of it is not too pretty, especially a few of the clusters. My plan is to build the wings first and then tackle the fuselage.
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