by HC85 » Fri Feb 12, 2016 9:09 am
Well, I figured that I would try and post something on my project and see how it turns out! I hope the photos are not "sideways" because when I tried to preview them they were! ( Not sure what is going on there because they are right side up in my files)
Anyway, the upper right hand wing is complete, except for final wood sealing. I sealed the areas that were going to be shut in during construction.
The photos show the end rib final sizing with the center section. Ended up very nice. The wing will be aligned perfectly with the shape of the center section end ribs.
I couldn't load more than five and I'm not sure where the photos ended, but I hope someone enjoys them, because I am having a BLAST building this thing!
Well, I see the photos are horrible! Sorry about that! Any advice on how to upload them would be much appreciated!
Well, I figured that I would try and post something on my project and see how it turns out! I hope the photos are not "sideways" because when I tried to preview them they were! ( Not sure what is going on there because they are right side up in my files)
Anyway, the upper right hand wing is complete, except for final wood sealing. I sealed the areas that were going to be shut in during construction.
The photos show the end rib final sizing with the center section. Ended up very nice. The wing will be aligned perfectly with the shape of the center section end ribs.
I couldn't load more than five and I'm not sure where the photos ended, but I hope someone enjoys them, because I am having a BLAST building this thing!
Well, I see the photos are horrible! Sorry about that! Any advice on how to upload them would be much appreciated!